Monday, August 13, 2012

Mission Statement.

Mission Statement: This is an adventure (b)log, thus its primary goal is to document my adventures and promote further exploration. As such, it is intended to provide a platform for honest and valuable information about my experiences, my environment, and the like minded people I encounter.  It will be kept current in order to educate the audience about current events as understood by a foreign student, and to relate the strategies that have been useful or successful, or not, for my survival in my new environment.

The guiding principles for my adventure (b)log are as follows:
  1. Limited political or social commentary unless it is used to set up or provide background for a particular event.
  2. Humor and openness are vital.
  3. To provide educational content for anyone who might want to use the blog as a resource for adventure.
  4. Regularly updating content.
Disclaimer: Please note that the author of this blog is quite dyslexic and has trouble finding spelling and grammar mistakes. The author will do his utmost to prevent any errors.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to post once a week on Mondays, is that the plan? How's the Spain stopover? Is your money there?
